The professional services sector provides essential support to individuals and businesses (of all sizes and in all sectors) across the UK.

With many professional services providers such as accountants, lawyers and Independent Financial Advisors specialising in a particular area it is not uncommon for advisors, with different expertise, to work together to assist mutual clients.

As insolvency practitioners we provide support services to accountants, lawyers and financial advisors who may have a client in financial distress.

We understand that facing up to financial challenges can be extremely difficult and stressful for your clients. At the same time we also realise that business recovery, restructuring and debt advice may not be something you deal with on a regular basis. Even if you are willing and able, legislation may dictate that you are not authorised to provide advice. We are there to help and can do so without compromising your existing client relationships.

We are committed to supporting you, as an existing or prospective referral partner, and your clients with pragmatic and cost effective advice. We do not offer audit, tax, corporate finance, wealth management or legal advice so you can have the peace of mind that we will complement, rather than compete, with your offering so there is no risk of you losing your client.

We respect our referral partners and the challenging environment within which we all operate. As such, we want to provide you with the peace of mind that we are the best placed advisor to assist you when your clients need specialist recovery, restructuring and debt advice.

For further information on how we can help please contact us and one of our senior team will respond swiftly and discreetly.


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